Extra Help on Hand
We have a new member of the renovation team!Freya Lily Hartley was born at 00:35h on Wednesday morning, weighing in at a sizeable 9lb13.
Alison and her are both doing very well, they had 2 nights in hospital together and everybody had their first night in the new loft rooms yesterday.
I feel that general house progress may slow down now, but that's just fine with us...
I'm absolutely thrilled for you and so glad to hear you're all well. Freya is super cute - keep the pictures coming.
Congratulations again. Enjoy showing off your new daughter to your families.
Welcome Freya!! She is absolutley gorgeous and will be a definite heartbreaker in years to come! I have to admit I was beginning to think you'd just been over doing those cream teas in Writtle and were just pretending to have a baby bump!! Never been more glad to have been proved wrong ;-) !
Tooooo cute!
We were absolutely gagging to see some photos of the new arrival and so, in true stalker style, googled 'freya lily hartley' just to see if anything came up!
Congratulations to you both and hello to 'little' Freya (9lbs 13 - mcguffin stock...)! We cant wait to meet her.
Kef and Ross
congratulations, Freya is an absolutley beautiful bonnie baby.
Hope you are recovering well alison ; i found a rubber ring to sit on helped me in the early days
well done. with love form your Irish cousins
Pamela karen Linda and brian and Auntie dorothy too
Congratulations from Shenyang (JST)
1 2 3 Aaaawwww.
Not seen this site before - probs a good thing as
a) I might have felt guilty and offered to help (and where would the DIY satisfaction be in that?)
b) I'm knackered just reading about it all!!
Great news, pleased all is well... look forward to seeing ya soon.
Cute x 10000000000000000000000
Can't wait to see you all and your flash pad in person.
Laura xxx
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