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Monday, March 19, 2007

Dig it man...

Clan McGuffin arrived for their first visit to the new place at the weekend - we celebrated their arrival by making them perform hard labour in the front garden for hours on end. Well, the boys got stuck into excavating soil to form the base of our drive while the girls went shopping! Craig had supplied Guiness which was an excellent plan seeing as we were digging on St. Patrick's day. Pictures show the commencement of the ground works, it's amazing how much more space soil takes up when you've dug it out of the ground…

I reckon we shifted a couple of tons of soil between us which was a great start. There was lots of head scratching about setting digging depths, but a plan formed. George dug an 'exploration trench' so we could set the level of the drive. Looks like we will need some fancy civil works, i.e. a retaining wall and a nice contoured ramp up onto the drive as well.

The carpet arrived on Saturday morning (picture in last entry - we are running behind on keeping the blog updated…) It feels like we are so close to finishing in the loft now, just need some wiring and a connection to the central heating down on the middle floor. This will involve taking apart the kitchen, again… Hopefully we will have the loft fully operational, including the nursery, by the end of next weekend. That will give us 5 weeks advance readiness before the baby arrives - yikes!


At 10:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, wow! I'm thinking you were just holding out on posting the new entries for maximum effect ;-)! Chez Hartley is looking well fab and funky and definitely fit for the new arrival. Not long to go at all - can't wait!

At 2:45 pm, Blogger Ali & Dave said...

Maximum effect yes, that was it! Nothing to do with blog writing time being diverted into painting... more chilled now thankfully.

Thank you for your comments annonymous person, whoever you may be!

At 6:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops! Spot the IT professional (and eternal dumb blonde!).


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